Musee des Beaux Arts, Valenciennes

The museum requested an inclusive wayfinding system that would address
blind visitors, without interfering with
the existing exhibit design.

At the entrance, a raised floor plan introduces the tactile itinerary through the museum, and a segment of Raynes Rail provides directions with distances.
At each gallery, a tactile diagram consistently guides to the statues that
can be touched and to the next gallery.

  • Museum Exhibit design by Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in the Musee des Beaux Arts Valenciennes. Picture 1: A reproduction of a statue enables all visitors to touch and discover in a new way the piece. In this particular picture a visually impaired visitor is experiencing the art piece.
  • Museum Exhibit design by Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in the Musee des Beaux Arts Valenciennes. Picture 2: A tactile map with Raynes Rail Audio and Braille Rail is part of the museography
  • Museum Exhibit design by Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in the Musee des Beaux Arts Valenciennes. Picture 3: The Tactods - Tactile flooring solution are part of the exhibit design.
  • Museum Exhibit design by Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in the Musee des Beaux Arts Valenciennes. Picture 4: a raised map
  • Museum Exhibit design by Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in the Musee des Beaux Arts Valenciennes. Picture 5: a statue part of the exhibit.
  • Museum Exhibit design by Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in the Musee des Beaux Arts Valenciennes. Picture 6: a statue part of the exhibit

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